Our team is a well-combined mixture of experienced paralegals, some of whom have additional qualifications as patent paralegals, and professionals from a variety of educational backgrounds. They are provided with the relevant background knowledge through intensive training courses and are trained in the necessary tasks by experienced colleagues. Thanks to the accumulated and shared experience, the individual team members are also well prepared to answer and carry out all questions and instructions from our clients and colleagues on formal matters, payment and monitoring of annuities for several hundred IP rights independently.
In this context, it should be mentioned that in accordance with the Case Law of the Boards of Appeal in the European Patent Office an educated German patent attorney assistant is considered to be qualified for independent handling of formal matters since they have to proof their professional knowledge by written and oral examination. Our team of at least four educated German patent attorney assistants ensures by applying the Four-Eyes Principle that all due care is given also to the formal requirements of the cases of our clients.